Dr Violet Kieu

Dr Violet Kieu

MBBS BMedSc DipSurgAnat MRMed(Excellence) FRANZCOG CREI

Melbourne IVF East Melbourne Clinical Director

Excellence, respect & kindness

Advanced maternal age / Andrology / CREI / Donor / Egg Freezing / Fertility Preservation / Genetic Testing / Gynaecology / Laparoscopic Surgery / Male Infertility / PCOS / Recurrent Miscarriage / Second Opinion / Single women and same sex couples / Surrogacy

Dr Kieu provides first class fertility care, to maximize success in reproductive health.

Dr Violet Kieu is a consultant Gynaecologist specialising in fertility, reproductive endocrinology, and fertility preservation.

Violet graduated from Medicine, Surgery & Medical Science from the University of Melbourne in 2007 and was awarded the Vernon Collins Prize in Paediatrics. She holds a Diploma in Surgical Anatomy 2009, a Masters of Reproductive Medicine with Excellence 2019 from UNSW and is a strong advocate for fertility care and women's health.

Violet completed a three-year Clinical Fellowship at the Reproductive Services Unit at the Royal Women’s Hospital (RWH) & Melbourne IVF and is now a consultant in the Endocrine Metabolic Clinic and Fertility Preservation Service at the RWH, as well as at Eastern Health. She has completed her Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility subspecialty certification (CREI).

Violet’s research awards include the Australian Gynaecology Endoscopy Surgery (AGES) Platinum Laparoscopy Award 2018 and a presentation prize from the Australian and New Zealand Society for Paediatric Radiology (ANZSPR) 2012.

As an Clinical Senior Lecturer in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Melbourne, Violet conducts both quantitative and qualitative research into the patient experience of IVF. She has published in both national and international peer-reviewed journals. Violet contributes to education and leadership through lecturing and thesis assessment for MD and Biomedicine Honours students. She is also a journal reviewer and Associate Faculty Member of Faculty Opinions.

Violet's passion is narrative medicine. That is, listening to and understanding the patient journey. Violet uses Evidence-Based Medicine to improve IVF outcomes by integrating patient values with the best scientific knowledge and clinical expertise.

Follow Dr Violet Kieu

Instagram: @drvioletkieu

LinkedIn: Dr Violet Kieu

Website: Freeze Fertility

Newsletter: Freeze Fertility Newsletter

Meet Dr Violet Kieu

IVF Clinic East Melbourne
Melbourne IVF's East Melbourne fertility clinic is a leading provider of fertility services. Click to contact the East Melbourne Clinic or make an appointment
Templestowe Lower Melbourne IVF
Melbourne IVF's Templestowe fertility clinic is a leading provider of fertility services. Click to contact the the clinic or make an appointment today.

Private room

Suite 4, 320 Victoria Parade
East Melbourne