Fertility Myths

Many couples think they will immediately get pregnant when they start trying for a baby. There are many myths and facts about fertility.  This information provides you with these myths and truths, as well as guiding you in conception.

You need to have sex every day during your fertile window

Truth: Having sex every second or third day will give you the same fertility outcome as having sex every day.

Calculate your pregnancy window »

I need to see my temperature rise before I have sex

Truth: It is best to have sexual intercourse two to three days before you ovulate, not during or after ovulation.

Find out more about your menstrual cycle »

Sperm function is better after 10 days abstinence

Truth: The best quality sperm is produced by ejaculation every two to three days. A long interval results in the production of many damaged or dead sperm.

Learn more about male reproduction »

As long as I'm under 40, there's still time to keep trying

Truth: Age has a major impact on the success rates of infertility treatments as well as your natural ability to conceive. By the age of 40 a healthy women has only a 5% chance of getting pregnant in a given month. So if you’re already over 36, you should seek medical advice if you’ve been trying for six months.

Read about fertility and the effect of age »

We're both young and healthy, so we won't have any problems conceiving

Truth: Young and healthy people can still have issues affecting their fertility. Medical conditions and genetic disorders can affect fertility, whatever your age.

Learn more about female fertility conditions »
Read about male fertility conditions »

If I have fertility treatment, I will probably have twins or triplets

Truth: IVF with single embryo transfer will reduce the risk of multiple pregnancy to less than 1%.

Read more about our fertility treatments and services »

My miscarriage could have been caused by stress, business travel, or exercise

Truth: There is no evidence that any of these factors contribute to miscarriage. Most miscarriages are due to random genetic or developmental errors.

Learn more about miscarriage »

Wearing tight clothes or bike shorts adversely affects the quality of sperm

Truth: There is no scientific evidence to support this.

Find out what factors can affect sperm quality »

Taking vitamins and supplements could improve my sperm count

Truth: There is no scientific evidence to support this.

Find out what factors can affect sperm quality »

If you have been trying to conceive for twelve months or more without success (or six months if you are over 36) we recommend a fertility assessment with a Melbourne IVF fertility specialist.

If you would like to make an appointment please call us on 1800 111 483 or complete the form below.